Friday, December 10, 2010

Budget gift idea: funky frames

Paper can be like a great sparkly skirt. It just changes everything with something as simple as a black top. Not getting the metaphor? That's okay - I'll get to it.

This year for the holidays, I wanted to make my family something special. We just took the first family photo we have with all five (yep, count 'em, five) nieces and nephews, both brothers in law, parents, and moi. Taking the photo in a park near my apartment in San Francisco was a serious undertaking, so I figured I could put in at least as much effort to create a funky frame to house the memory.

Here's what I did:
1) Bought cheap hideous frames from Walgreens
2) Re-used bright fun paper I have collected
3) Stuck paper on said ugly frames with modge podge (this stuff is a miracle I tell you)
4) Basked in the fun craftiness of creating something cute for people I love

Before the magic happens. If this looks like a cheap-o frame from Walgreens, that's because it is...

Some funky paper, a pair of scissors and some modge podge goes a long way

The final product - cute frames for my parents and sisters

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