Sunday, February 27, 2011

City of Brotherly Love to the City by the Bay

I'm so excited for Liz and Joey and to share with you their save the dates I've been working on!

The front is a navy outline of the US that was hand-drawn, with crimson heat-embossed heart stamps over Philly (her hometown) and San Francisco (his hometown).

The back picks up the same colors and outlines the details for the big day. Addresses were hand written in navy pen.

Congrats to Liz and Joey - can't wait to get these in the mail!

Logo - take one

There's a new image on this modest little blog of ours. Here is the concept for my logo that I'd like to share. I want to keep it simple and easy, which is ironic considering how long it took me to figure out how to create this in Illustrator. It looks like a few easy lines and dots, right? No. Wrong. 

Anyways - hope you like it.